Learn about FPC’s “One Cross to One Person” Ministry


It’s beautiful quiet evangelism. It’s a simple yet powerful outreach ministry spreading the good news about the Cross of Christ, sharing scripture and the truth about God’s gift of grace, forgiveness, salvation, and amazing love for ALL People on earth.


Individuals, churches, organizations, local and international mission groups will join together in the giving of one cross to one person, along with a Bible verse and a commitment to pray for that one person. By the power of the Holy Spirit, individuals will be spiritually encouraged and experience genuine friendships reflecting the love of Jesus Christ.


Churches are encouraged to plan a time to talk with their congregation about One Cross to One Person and show the DVD which describes the vision of its simple yet powerful outreach ministry.


Individuals, mission groups, and Bible study groups are encouraged to schedule a time to talk about One Cross to One Person and show the DVD. Individuals and mission groups are encouraged to begin praying how the Holy Spirit can use this ministry for missions and evangelism opportunities. Examples of people to give a cross and Bible verse to: family member, relative, neighbor, child, teenager, adult, college student, senior citizen, person in need of hope or encouragement, person struggling with physical health and/or mental health issues, widow, orphan, etc… Examples and ways to share One Cross to One Person: Individuals or groups are encouraged to plan a time to visit people in hospitals, addiction centers, nursing and/or retirement communities, prisons, orphanages, etc… The possibilities and the human needs are endless.

“Let Your Light Shine.” Matthew 5:16….. Be the hands and feet of Christ.


International mission groups/ teams are encouraged to plan a time to talk about the One Cross to One Person ministry and discuss its vision. Discuss details and ways of how One Cross to One Person could be used on mission trips, as part of evangelism and personal discipleship. Discuss how this ministry begins with a simple action: A person gives one other person one small cross, Bible verse, then asks if he or she has a prayer request. Discuss ways a person can begin and continue a lasting friendship with the person he or she gave a cross to: continue praying, continue sending scripture verses, write letters, etc…

Think of it like planting seeds in God’s garden. You plant a seed by giving the gift of a cross to a person, sharing scripture, committing to pray for that person, and sharing the gospel about Christ. The Holy Spirit then begins to work in thatperson’s heart and life. Together, we can grow a garden of God’s love and peace across this earth. One Cross to One Person… It’s beautiful quiet evangelism. It’s being a disciple. The Great Commission: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and in the name of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always until the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20

How can a church begin the One Cross to One Person program?

Contact Thomas Griffen at tpgriffen@gmail.com or Anna Griffen at anna.griffen@gmail.com

How can I help or support One Cross to One Person’s mission and ministry?

Prayers and donations. We need your prayers and donations to support and help spread the One Cross to One Person ministry across America and all across the world.

How much does it cost to start One Cross to One Person at a church?

One Cross to One Person is a faith- based ministry which operates by donations. Donations are accepted by churches, groups, and/or individuals who are led to support the One Cross to One Person ministry. Make checks payable to: Fellowship Presbyterian Church, and in the memo line, write: One Cross to One Person Suggested donation is $2.00 per cross and a scripture verse

Does the One Cross to One Person ministry have a person to contact, answer questions, and place orders?

Yes, email Thomas Griffen at:



Anna Griffen at:


May I share my One Cross to One Person experience or cross story with others?

Yes, we encourage you to share your cross story or experience as a testimony and witness to Christ and for others. Email your story to: tpgriffen@gmail.com oranna.griffen@gmail.com

(Names are optional but for confidentiality use initials or first names only)


We encourage you to submit your personal One Cross One Person testimony using the form below

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